From Turning Points | June 2024
Inside an Expert's Tackle Box: 8 Items Every Angler Needs

The difference between a successful day on the water and heading home empty-handed lies inside your tackle box. Experienced anglers know to bring the right gear so they’re ready to adapt to changing conditions and how to target different fish species. Here are eight items every pro angler needs in their tackle box.

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From Turning Points | May 2024
Summer Fishing Adventure Checklist

The sun's out, the water's calling, and it's time to grab your favorite Kayak blend and hit the waves. May is the kickoff to summer fishing and boating season, and whether you’re taking a quick trip out on the lake or a multi-day, deep-sea fishing adventure, packing the right gear is the key to a successful trip. Here’s a checklist of the essentials you need to bring along:

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From Turning Points | April 2024
9 Words West Virginia Locals Know

Dive into the heart of Kayak’s home state, where the lingo is as unique and spirited as the people who call it home. Here, the rapids are rough, the Wheeling Suspension Bridge stands proud, and "rub" is a taste of local pride. Cheering on the 'Eers isn't just sport, it's religion. Life's good in the hollers and down by the "crick." Sit down for a cat's head, you'll get why we never leave. It's West Virginia—real and raw as the Kayak that we make here.

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From Turning Points | March 2024
A Blend for Every Fishing Adventure

A day out on the water is about more than casting lines and catching fish. It's about the thrill, the views, the company, and the revitalizing taste of your favorite Kayak blend. For anglers who never turn their backs on a challenge, pairing the perfect blend with your adventure can bring the experience to exhilarating new heights. Ready to find out which Kayak blend will turn your next fishing trip from just another day, into a thrilling journey?

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From Turning Points | February 2024
4 Facts Only Experienced Dippers Know

The dip in your favorite can of Kayak has a storied history and culture that carries through to this day.  Every time you reach for your favorite blend, you’re connecting to this proud heritage. Here are five facts that only experienced dippers know that shed light on the legacy.

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